
Thump the Trump


i have seen parts of it at kids party, but yeah bubble. what always put it in perspective for me was after only 2 years in the profession out east I started making more than what my father made when I was in high school and yet between loans and rent I was broke and then there were kids living i nice apartments spending money at bars and talking trash about the fly over states. ......won I am with you on kids growing up detached except one time my wife got dragged into this phone conversatiom and I could tell white trash and she went to the kids bday and the stories were white trash and all I could say was stay away, you can't feel bad for those people, i knew those people, they will destory your in a way we cause our bubbles if we have the luxury to do so.

Nov 12, 16 11:10 am  · 
Wurdan, it's cute that you post those quotes there. The problem is that quotes by your president elect that are much more vitriolic would fill up all of this page. It's totally disproportionate.

Nov 12, 16 11:23 am  · 

sameold are you American, then yes he will be your president. its cute this use of freedom of speech. i like toasters mobilize post. the hypocrisy is obvious not sure why you would argue with Wurden and defend yhe crazies.

Nov 12, 16 11:28 am  · 
I grew up in a small rural town with blue-collar parents. I got a 66.

The thing the quiz identifies is an upper middle class bubble. It doesn't really identify a bubble as being stuck in a small town with little exposure to what is going on in the rest of the world ... I feel like I got out of that bubble and am better for it. The trick is recognizing that I'm currently living in a world that is isolated from the rural America I grew up in and I've probably just substituted one type of bubble for another one.
Nov 12, 16 11:41 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

^agree. Bubbles aren't just for elites.

Nov 12, 16 12:24 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Trump lives in a bubble.

Nov 12, 16 12:55 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

It's funny. The quiz is funny.

Nov 12, 16 2:50 pm  · 

Lol.  I did a zip code search, despite the survey specifically saying to not do that.  I suppose we can't completely trust my results.

Nov 12, 16 3:30 pm  · 
Don Kashane

"Bernie would have lost worse against Trump than Hillary did. The really sad thing for the Democrats is that she really was the best candidate they could come up with. Pathetic."

"On Election Day, however, Trump lost the popular vote.  As of Friday, Hillary Clinton was ahead in the popular vote with 63.4 million to Trump's 61.2........Never before, though, has the Electoral College come to the rescue of a candidate who made it a central theme of his campaign that our politics are not only broken but corrupt. Never before have the distortionary effects of the Electoral College benefited a candidate who railed against an electoral system that, in his view, ignores the will of the people. "

It was the Electoral Kindergarden who voted him in, not the people (same as with Bushie).  Hillary was just fine with the people and the Dems did put the best candidate in, as shown by the popular vote, so go fuck yourself seven ways till Thursday.

Nov 12, 16 3:35 pm  · 


What are you quoting?

Hillary was not the best candidate. She lost! This talk about the popular vote is what happens when we fail. I a very worried that too many Democrats are learning nothing from this catastrophic political failure. 

Nov 12, 16 4:07 pm  · 
I had my wife take the quiz. She got 25. Basically Lady and the Tramp over here.
Nov 12, 16 4:07 pm  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe


I took dat quiz and I got 9.


Guys lets bring some fun here

google SJW reacts to Trump's victory. 


Nov 12, 16 4:20 pm  · 

I got 45

"42–100: A first-generation middle-class person with working-class parents and average television and movie going habits."

Surprisingly accurate.

Nov 12, 16 4:25 pm  · 

I got 52.  

Nov 12, 16 5:10 pm  · 
I'm thinking another description for the quiz results would be "percentage of your Facebook friends that are thrilled Trump won the election"

66% seems about right for me.
Nov 12, 16 5:10 pm  · 

Unamuno, those vids are hilarious.  These young people are very weak and comfortable if they are that distraught over an election.  Maybe this will teach them that social justice actually requires them to leave their computer and get involved in real things to affect change.  The twit generation will hopefully learn a valuable lesson from this. 

Nov 12, 16 5:14 pm  · 

Votes in the electoral college are not apportioned to the relative population. Some states get a disproportional representation. The electoral college is a sophisticated type of gerrymandering.

More people in this country agree with Hillary, that is why they voted for her.

Trump and his supporters won, but they do not have a mandate to drastically change the direction of this country. Even if Trump had won the popular vote, almost half of the country would not have voted for him.

The protesters are telling Trump that the majority of Americans do not want social progress set back 100 years.

One of the reasons Hillary was the best candidate is because she is a centrist. Personally, my politics are to the left of Bernie, however, I am not the only person who lives in this country. You won't nor should expect to get everything. That is what dedicated public servants like Hillary Clinton do, they govern with a sense of fundamental fairness to those who did not vote for them. 

I got a 70. However, I live in a bubble and know it. I think the result might be over the course of my life rather than my current situation. Anyway, the person who devised this "quiz" is a libertarian, so what would one expect considering the source.






Nov 12, 16 5:18 pm  · 
Don Kashane

The article quoted is linked.  Fail shmail, some Trumpwipe above said she was the worst candidate, yet she got  2.2 million more popular votes.  Note that word "popular", clear meaning, so she's obviously liked by more people than Trump.  The discussion of the Electoral Kindergarden is best left for another thread.  Anyway, see you at the Rathead impeachment.

Nov 12, 16 5:29 pm  · 

jla-x. i got a 52 and voted johnson. cant make this shit up.

Nov 12, 16 5:39 pm  · 
Don Kashane

And another thing, if the numbers had been reversed and Rathead was the one that had won the popular vote but lost the election, he himself would be calling  for riots in the street and obliquely suggesting that someone take Hillary out (he had already implied such actions before the election).  Fucking hypocrites is about all I see.  But Rathead is most likely headed to a nice jail term or at least banishment when the catastrophic failures that he'll cause become to much to take.  See you in the funny papers.

Nov 12, 16 5:48 pm  · 
Again, the fact that there's not enough vitriol in this thread reminds me what a white man's profession architecture is. Carry on bros.
Nov 12, 16 6:13 pm  · 

sameoldoctor, we all know you're racist, now move on and hug someone.


so just met some friends who for fun decided to hit the border Nov. 9th, Nova Scotia area, little resistance, but basically no taking photos next to Canada sign.  the little resistance was simple, you make it in this part of Nova Scotia, good luck, haha

Nov 12, 16 6:32 pm  · 

this is the presidency, the biggest joke since I don't know what...remember Clinton put a cigar up a chubby girls pussy and George W. Bush was leader supreme?

Really, this is a serious position.   whatever.  kids, calm down, the system is greater than any raging Trump show.

Nov 12, 16 6:34 pm  · 

Somebody tell a joke ....

Nov 12, 16 6:57 pm  · 

good one babs.

Nov 12, 16 7:11 pm  · 

just taking a dump....that was funny though babs!


Nov 12, 16 7:19 pm  · 


Mötley Crüe - Anarchy In The U.S.A.

then you go back to work!?!?

Nov 12, 16 7:29 pm  · 
Olaf wtf
Nov 12, 16 11:28 pm  · 

what does real anarchy look like these days? is Liberland really true anarchy, some of their philosophy economic qoutes suggest this. or is it already being a criminal to survive who then hops on a political band wagon to loot and riot? what does it look like today?

Nov 14, 16 8:48 am  · 

We are already at a point of widespread extreme distrust of government, press, institutions, politicians, educators, science, and yes Architecture. Trump is only going to push that further. We may soon approach a point of zero confidence in public life. 

I suspect that democracy is like any other relationship agreement. Like a marriage, or a friendship, or a team, it takes work to keep it going. It requires that people track the health of the bond. My fear is that all of the shit that we have been talking about and talking about and talking about is really reaching a tipping point. That the country is breaking apart and the fabric of society is barely there at all. And like a dysfunctional marriage, we can't even seem to remember the basic ingredients of a healthy relationship. Many people are still in denial. They have too much confidence in the resiliency of our system. Its not healthy. 

Nov 14, 16 1:12 pm  · 

i think it's safe to say we're always on the precipice of collapse and revolt in America.  There are times of oppression and destruction, such as the bush years, and then there are times of success and progress, the obama years.  then there is always an underlying imperialism and corruption keeping the whole thing afloat.  not an excuse for complacency.  we do have to be vigilant in protecting our freedoms.  

but civil war, revolt, rioting.  not going to happen.  way too much cool stuff happening on Facebook, twitter, and netflix for that kind of thing to happen. 

Nov 14, 16 1:24 pm  · 

No form!  That paragraph is gold!  Very funny and very true. 

Nov 14, 16 2:00 pm  · 
wurdan freo

At least in Colorado we're starting to talk about things that matter!!!


Nov 14, 16 2:16 pm  · 


We've been distracted by the right/left dichotomy and the culture wars. Its an illusion that we've been going back and fourth. Its like an addict who keeps falling off the wagon, then going straight, over and over again. It seems like a back and forth pattern, but in reality the person's health is continually degrading. 

There is no guarantee that we can survive. We have these silly psuedo-religious ideas about manifest destiny and American exceptionalism. Its all fantasy. There is no guarantee of anything. America could end. 

Nov 14, 16 2:38 pm  · 

Yes, but I don't agree that it was "always" a possibility, in the way that it is today. The civil war couldn't "always" have happened. We need to somehow summon the courage to step out of this state of complacency before our country falls into chaos. 

I think that we are all very dependent on certain delusions and convenient narratives. Look at how often people have said throughout the election that they were surprised by what was taking place. We don't have any kind of grip on where we are at this point in history. 

Nov 14, 16 2:57 pm  · 

From the Washington Post:

Bannon’s senior White House role has been welcomed by prominent figures on the alt-right.

Richard Spencer, president of the white-nationalist National Policy Institute, wrote on Twitter that “strategist” is the “best possible position” for Bannon in Trump’s White House.

“Bannon will answer directly to Trump and focus on the big picture, and not get lost in the weeds,” he wrote Sunday night.

“He’ll be freed up to chart Trump’s macro trajectory…. The question is: Which way is the arrow pointing? It’s pointing towards the #AltRight!”

Nov 14, 16 3:49 pm  · 
Don Kashane

“This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”

T. S. Eliot  The Hollow Men 

Nov 14, 16 3:52 pm  · 

Why Trump won:

Nov 14, 16 6:50 pm  · 

davvid you're a new person with a better view of the world, congrats.  just don't get down about it, which is hard to do.

Nov 14, 16 6:54 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The Bible says the sheep will be sorted from the goats... is that what's going on in America?

Nov 14, 16 7:31 pm  · 

it's not just the white nationalist guy.  preibus is chief of staff.  he was the chair of the RNC for years.

for all those people saying 'stop calling us racist, we just wanted something different/anti-establishment,' they got the most republican staff possible.  if he filled his cabinet with bushs, it would still be less establishment than this move.  surely trump supporters are pissed, and they're going to join the riots too?

Nov 14, 16 7:50 pm  · 

our system is resilient. and we do live in chaos.  but we are a lazy bunch.   

a woman in kentucky can defy federal court orders without impunity.  she's a free woman today.

armed militants can take over a federal building and be acquitted.

a man can rape a woman and serve 3 months in prison.  

all of these people are freely walking about america.  

things like abortion and gay rights are here and should remain here because they resolve fundamental human rights.  women will abort babies if it is illegal or not.  it's just safer now (even with people shooting up clinics).  gay people are people.  they deserve equal treatment under our laws.  

i think in some ways, this is as "great" as america is going to get.  the belief of someone who is pro-life is about as fixed as it is a pro-choice person.  it will just continue to be a perpetual battle.  

it would be "great" if we did have less political corruption and if it wasn't so hard to save money to get a clean safe living situation and food that was healthy and affordable (as opposed to fast food being more economical now).

Nov 14, 16 7:59 pm  · 

The people that voted Trump in are going to suffer the most. Didnt we just hear that his tax policies will affect single parents the most? -- here you go middle america.

Nov 14, 16 9:11 pm  · 

It gets even worse.

John Bolton is being considered for Secretary of State.

He wants his children to have top security clearance as advisors and they are running his transition and his business.

You can't make this shit up.

Nov 14, 16 9:24 pm  · 

john bolton for sec of state?


Nov 14, 16 10:46 pm  · 

Donald Trump is alleging that he would have won the popular vote if it weren’t for the “millions of people who voted illegally,” The president-elect provided no evidence whatsoever to support this claim.

Good to know he's going to make us all proud by being an "honest" President.

Nov 27, 16 11:53 pm  · 

^ Nice try, hillary taking the white office doesn't exactly make her an "honest" president either.

Nov 28, 16 12:24 am  · 

^ nice try, jackass - so you really don't care whether your President is a pathological liar, do you?

Nov 28, 16 12:56 am  · 

^ looool, sounds like you're describing hillary.

Nov 28, 16 12:59 am  · 

I wrote this essay the other day, and I'd love for people to share it if they like the writing.

Yeah it's mean and petty. But it was fun as hell to write and I think he deserves the punch.


Jan 23, 17 12:40 pm  · 

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