Diana Szögi

Diana Szögi

Pécs, HU


Tree house in Paradise

This plan was for an international design competition what I made by one of my friend, Zsófia Fényi. The location was the island of Fujji and the project main aspect was to create a bungalow that the majority of local materials can be easily assembly and the utilities based on alternative solutions. 
The concept form was inspirated by the coconut and sea bubbles. The notice was required to design the building in Palmtree, so hanging on a tree "coconut balls bubble" to fulfill this requirement. 
The horizontal structure was a steel frame what was attached of the tree trunks. The bamboo frame can easier assembly ont he ground and atttached on this steel structure. The glass is colored "ETFE foil" what was opened on the top and bottom so the air can be easily replaced in the apartment. 
Fan-like funnel on top of the bungalow can overshadows the apartment and at the same time collect the rainwater. The water came to a sand filter system in the soil, where clarified and can be used to supply water to the building. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Fujji