



Small business. big opportunity

C-re-aid was introduced to this welcoming family more than a year ago. The man of the family had died years ago, leaving his wife and children behind. They used to have a shop as an income for the family but this was difficult to maintain for the widow by herself. A small dark structure was divided into a bedroom for the widow and the little shop. Several sitting rooms were created by plastic bags for customers to sit and drink. C-re-aid decided to give a boost to this family and their business by rebuilding the room and shop for the widow. The students were able to design and construct and very strong and secure, but also aesthetically fine structure. By combining cement bricks, steel and wood they were able to create a very different looking structure, built by local materials. The building techniques the students had to use were complex and many problems occurred, but the students managed to achieve a wonderful project.

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Status: Built
Location: Kilimanjaro, TZ
Firm Role: Director & Architect
Additional Credits: Maury Lintermans and Maurane Colson