Ricardo Ordonez Zaninovich

Ricardo Ordonez Zaninovich

Bogotá, CO

Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
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Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture

Economist suggest a new era of economics based on the demand for experience and memorable events.  Marketeers use branding to shape these experinces of space into brand experiences.  Architecture written in these parameters serves as a primary tool for marketing strategies. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Bogotá, CO
My Role: Brand Positioning

Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture
Brandchitecture: Branding Through Architecture