Female owned
New York, NY
The technology and creative sectors are among the fastest growing in the United States and New York City and in the past few years, there has been a shift where tech firms locate, from suburb to city. In order for New York City to capture the growth of these industries, the city must address issues with available real estate in neighborhoods that attract tech firms.
In 2012, the Brooklyn Tech Triangle Coalition, consisting of the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership , the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation, and the DUMBO Improvement District, selected WXY as the lead consultant of a multi-disciplinary team to create a roadmap for facilitating the recent growth of the technology sector in the greater Downtown Brooklyn area.
The plan requires an innovative approach to real estate and land use, in order to ensure an affordable supply of space for tech firms and starti-ups; workforce development, in order for new firms are able to draw from the local labor force; infrastructue needs, to underpin the needs for strong public transit and utility connections; and placemaking, in order to create an attractive and dynamic environment for tech firms.
The strategic plan identified actionable recommendations to be implemented by the public and private sectors to support and nurture the growth of tech and creative industries within the Tech Triangle neighborhoods and will maximize the benefits of these industries for the local workforce.
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Brooklyn, NY, US
Firm Role: Masterplanning