SMG architect

SMG architect

Loures, PT


Martins House

This house is inserted in the locality of Tojeira, Sintra, Portugal getting very close to the beach of Magoito. Constructive homogeneity of this town, is not much different when confronted with other clusters, urban or very little densified by country, which arises as a colonial type, unknown, misguided and uprooted, given the wealth and circumstance to the popular architecture. In a land surrounded by buildings, which might be termed the "Portuguese houses" - pretentious and formulaic building - this house is unique for its sober and contemporary lines of debugged design, looking intent and justification, on his way to deployment. The theme and premise of the project is introversion, concentrating this assertion, a confluent zone to all spaces - outdoor area with swimming pool. The house develops a morphology that takes variations and rotations at strategic points, segregating the various programmatic experiences of the house - living / sleeping / cooking - in different volumes.

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Status: Unbuilt