Wilson Butler Architects

Wilson Butler Architects

Boston, MA

©William Horne
©William Horne
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Boston University (BU), College of Fine Arts

WBA has been working with Boston University’s College of Fine Arts (CFA) over the span of 20 years and the relationship continues to this day. The college which occupies a 5 story historic automobile dealership from the 1920’s, initially hired WBA in 2001 to conduct a comprehensive program inventory and building evaluation which resulted in a Master Plan for their theater, music and visual arts programs. The Master Plan not only addressed immediate needs but also laid the foundation for the future vision of the CFA. We have successfully executed aspects of the Master Plan including the Harris Music and Teaching Center, Faye G., Jo, and James Stone Art Gallery, student lounge, theater movement studios and building wide accessibility upgrades. Additionally, the exterior limestone and masonry façades were restored including new relieving angles, repointing of the masonry and the restoration of the former showroom windows had been infilled with concrete block and stucco more than 40 years ago. The large oversized windows now employ dynamically tinting glass which provides protection to the art within the gallery and contributes to the interior environmental control and comfort of students and faculty.

The project was awarded the "2022 Mayor Thomas M. Menino Legacy Award recipient, by Preservation Massachusetts."

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Status: Built
Location: Boston, MA, US
Firm Role: Architect of Record & Design Architect

©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne
©William Horne