Anchor 3

Natalie Shear ~ - Online Portfolio  ››  posted: Feb 29 '12  |  see all

Natalie Shear
Anchor 3

Hector Valverde ~ Partial Site Plan for 460 Leucadendra Dr.  ››  posted: Feb 29 '12  |  see all Partial Site Plan for 460 Leucadendra Dr.

Hector Valverde
Anchor 3

Hector Valverde ~ Residence at: 460 Leucadendra Dr., Gables Estates, Coral Gables, FL; Begining Construction Documents  ››  posted: Feb 29 '12  |  see all Residence at: 460 Leucadendra Dr., Gables Estates, Coral Gables, FL; Begining Construction Documents

Hector Valverde
Anchor 3

Micah McKelvey ~ section perspective for a mediatheque in florence, italy.  ››  posted: Feb 29 '12  |  see all section perspective for a mediatheque in florence, italy.

Micah McKelvey
Anchor 3

Alejandro Diaz ~ New Museum New York [re-design]  ››  posted: Feb 28 '12  |  see all New Museum New York [re-design]

Alejandro Diaz
Anchor 3

Miguel Vitorino ~ Quinta do Mar, Terceira Island, Azores  ››  posted: Feb 28 '12  |  see all Quinta do Mar, Terceira Island, Azores

Miguel Vitorino
Anchor 3

Mercedes Degiovanni ~ F HOUSE - UNDER CONSTRUCCION  ››  posted: Feb 28 '12  |  see all F HOUSE - UNDER CONSTRUCCION

Mercedes Degiovanni
Anchor 3

Natalie Shear ~ Working on technical drawings for C|216 - renderings are next!  ››  posted: Feb 27 '12  |  see all

Natalie Shear
Anchor 3

BONIFACIO ALORA ~ WORKING CONTRACT BASIS JOBS  ››  posted: Feb 27 '12  |  see all

Anchor 3

Michael Alfonso ~ Uploading more images for Archinect folio  ››  posted: Feb 27 '12  |  see all

Michael Alfonso
Anchor 3

Michael Alfonso ~ Excited for Lebbeus Woods' work overseas.  ››  posted: Feb 27 '12  |  see all

Michael Alfonso
Anchor 3

Deli Zhao ~ is it happening?let's see~~~  ››  posted: Feb 27 '12  |  see all is it happening?let's see~~~

Deli Zhao
Anchor 3

Clifford O. Reid - NYS Architect ~ Silo house for Upstate New York  ››  posted: Feb 26 '12  |  see all Silo house for Upstate New York

Clifford O. Reid - NYS Architect
Anchor 3

Aras Burak ~ -1, +1  ››  posted: Feb 26 '12  |  see all -1, +1

Aras Burak
Anchor 3

Michael Alfonso ~ Updating Archinect folio! Check it out!  ››  posted: Feb 26 '12  |  see all Updating Archinect folio! Check it out!

Michael Alfonso
Anchor 3

Steven Ward ~ A view of the chapel addition.  ››  posted: Feb 25 '12  |  see all A view of the chapel addition.

Steven Ward
Anchor 3

Steven Ward ~ After this 19thC chapel was moved a few miles to its site in 2006, preparation of docs was put on hold in 2009, the renovation/addition project is now out for bid!  ››  posted: Feb 25 '12  |  see all After this 19thC chapel was moved a few miles to its site in 2006, preparation of docs was put on hold in 2009, the renovation/addition project is now out for bid!

Steven Ward
Anchor 3

Luis Guerrero ~ Ramps/Warehouse for Volume Fixed Bikes  ››  posted: Feb 24 '12  |  see all Ramps/Warehouse for Volume Fixed Bikes

Luis Guerrero
Anchor 3

Amanda Gann ~ 5th year Undergraduate Capstone Project  ››  posted: Feb 24 '12  |  see all 5th year Undergraduate Capstone Project

Amanda Gann
Anchor 3

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability ~ ILBI AMBASSADOR - Living Building Challenge  ››  posted: Feb 23 '12  |  see all

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability
Anchor 3

Alberto Alejandro Paz Valdez ~ AIS  ››  posted: Feb 23 '12  |  see all AIS

Alberto Alejandro Paz Valdez
Anchor 3

Chad Wulleman ~ Revamped portfolio.  ››  posted: Feb 23 '12  |  see all

Chad Wulleman
Anchor 3

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability ~ PRODUCT DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE  ››  posted: Feb 23 '12  |  see all

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability
Anchor 3

Lesley Ann Malapit ~ - new Weblog Post Love ♥  ››  posted: Feb 23 '12  |  see all

Lesley Ann Malapit
Anchor 3

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability ~ SIMBYOSIS & CITIES PLANNING  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability
Anchor 3

Camilla Fallon ~ Present: Freelance Designer both through the Creative Circle and other placement agencies for graphic design Clients include: Concept Farm; Medicus; Sudler and Henessey;Thomson Reuters; McCann Universal  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all

Camilla Fallon
Anchor 3

Noah Walker ~ Lighting mockup at the end of a long day.  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all Lighting mockup at the end of a long day.

Noah Walker
Anchor 3

Michael Alfonso ~ E-Flyer for Ultra Music Festival featuring The Gypsy.  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all

Michael Alfonso
Anchor 3

James West Carmo ~ Four Leaf Farm  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all Four Leaf Farm

James West Carmo
Anchor 3

Bonnie Netel ~  ››  posted: Feb 22 '12  |  see all

Bonnie Netel