Elephants, with their intricate emotional landscapes and keen memories due to their large hippocampi, are at risk for psychological disorders like complex PTSD from human-elephant conflicts, including habitat threats, captivity, and tourism exploitation. The Kui people, historically skilled in caring for these gentle beings, often mitigate the trauma induced by such conflicts reconnecting them to nature and letting them roam expansive areas. Trans-species psychology provides a deeper insight into the traumas and recovery mechanisms of elephants, highlighting the importance of healing through agency, socialization, and meditation. The project borrows from ancient Hindu temples the symbolism and functionality of water into a sanctuary where elephants reconnect with themselves. Influenced by the Kui’s methods of utilizing expansive open spaces and clean water for re-balancing traumatized elephants, the pond’s design incorporates dynamic elements adaptable to seasonal rainfall, facilitating varied interactions. The setup includes a spiraling pathway for the elephants to meditate and exercise autonomy, elevated walkways for mahouts offering unique viewing angles, and interactive water features. Laterite stones and a combination of wooden and concrete structures provide sturdiness, ensuring a serene yet engaging environment for both elephants and mahouts.
Status: School Project
Location: Thailand
My Role: Main Designer