Theodore Ferringer

Theodore Ferringer

Cleveland, OH, US

Bialosky + Partners Architects’ submission for the 2013 Coldscapes Competition, titled GLOW, proposes iconic inhabitable relics to be built on Lake Erie.
Bialosky + Partners Architects’ submission for the 2013 Coldscapes Competition, titled GLOW, proposes iconic inhabitable relics to be built on Lake Erie.
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Honorable Mention / Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative + Center For Outdoor Living Design 2013 COLDSCAPES Competition

Project Brief

GLOW ignites new poetic relationships between lake, city, and the rhythm of the seasons. A seasonal relic, GLOW engages the Lake Erie break wall, mediating the domestic (city side) and wild (north of the break-wall) sides of the lake, creating an infrastructure for cultures to develop that leverage the latency of water as public space – in both solid and liquid states. GLOW activates this linear infrastructure creating new experiences of the lake all year. Ramps bring users to an elevated deck that allows one to view and be viewed. The structures skin is inspired by the break-wall’s texture that becomes coated each winter by the crashing waves of Lake Erie. Inhabitable house-like (GLOW)bes hover still higher, creating an otherworldly, ethereal experience. The break-wall is a segmented lily-pad network by summer. In winter, when the lake freezes, the system becomes whole. This encourages engagement with the lake through skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, hiking, etc., to transverse the path and create their own way to engage with GLOW. An open canvas, GLOW is activated by each season uniquely, encouraging new cultures and economies in a non-prescriptive manner, providing the elements to awaken latent uses of one of our most important resources– water.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Cleveland, OH
My Role: Designer / Project Manager
Additional Credits: with Michael Abrahamson and Bialosky + Partners Architects - David Craun, Hallie DelVillian, Nathanael Dunn, Dave Berlekamp, Nick Dilisio, Andrew Vichosky, and Zach Anderson

Inside a SNOW(GLOW)BE on Lake Erie
Inside a SNOW(GLOW)BE on Lake Erie
The engagement of GLOW with the lake’s break-wall to create an iconic network that connects City and Lake.
The engagement of GLOW with the lake’s break-wall to create an iconic network that connects City and Lake.