Sabrina Maidantchik

Sabrina Maidantchik

Brooklyn, NY, US

Exterior Perspective
Exterior Perspective
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Co-Housing addresses the modern desire to work from home with the necessity of separating living and work areas. 96 small loft-style apartments share ample co-working areas that address a spectrum of desired work environments; from formal to informal, private to public and single to shared.

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Status: School Project
Location: Brooklyn, NY, US
My Role: Design, represent, and model make
Additional Credits: In collaboration with Aysenaz Ceyhan

Long Section
Long Section
Short Section
Short Section
Site Plan
Site Plan
Massing Diagram
Massing Diagram
Program Diagram
Program Diagram
Structural Diagram
Structural Diagram
Unit Plans and Axonometric Diagrams
Unit Plans and Axonometric Diagrams
Detail Model Front Facade
Detail Model Front Facade
Detail Model Back Facade
Detail Model Back Facade
Massing Model Plan
Massing Model Plan
Massing Model Back Facade
Massing Model Back Facade
Study Model - View 1
Study Model - View 1
Chunk Model - View 1
Chunk Model - View 1
Chunk Model - View 2
Chunk Model - View 2
Study Model - View 2
Study Model - View 2
Video Walkthrough - Rendered on Twinmotion