Shawnda Rixey

Shawnda Rixey

Lubbock, TX, US

current decay of the site; a cotton industry site, not used anymore
current decay of the site; a cotton industry site, not used anymore
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High Cotton

High Cotton is a real project that is still in the stages of gathering support and ideas. My studio's work helped Link Ministries and StarCare get ideas of what they want to do. These two groups and other services want to create a place like Haven for Hope in San Antonio. It is a homeless care place where the homeless are helped to get reestablished into society.  The site is physically split by a working railroad. The Northern site was designed to house the drop off center for cops with medical care, different types of housing for the homeless. The Southern part provided the neighborhood a place for them to gather, shop, live, play sports and have events, as well as offices for Link Ministries.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lubbock, TX, US
My Role: Group project: we all worked together, I suggested we create an elevated pathway, the other group members added ideas that we all helped to develop more
Additional Credits: Ryan Herr, Alex Bingham

proposal for the main street down the site
proposal for the main street down the site
cotton seed facility stripped of sides and possible use for structure
cotton seed facility stripped of sides and possible use for structure
farmers market within stripped seed facilities
farmers market within stripped seed facilities
this image shows how we tried to bring sustainability to the site, as well as respected the industrial buildings on the site
this image shows how we tried to bring sustainability to the site, as well as respected the industrial buildings on the site