Shannon Liu

Shannon Liu

Beijing, CN


City of Beaumont may build a modern bustling "riverwalk",INV CG provided the renderings.

BEAUMONT, Texas — The City of Beaumont has possible plans to revitalize downtown and build a modern bustling "riverwalk" area. Potential improvements include a new city hall, Civic Center parking deck with 200 spaces, a bandstand/river theatre, Neches pedestrian bridge and a riverwalk parking deck, also with 200 spaces. Other projects include a riverwalk/waterway, hotel and convention center upgrades and two projects associated with private developers.
And the plans include a quarter-mile long canal on Crockett Street, traveling from Neches Street to Main Street, and 3500 feet of new canal promenade. The promenade would replace Crockett Street toward Edison Plaza. The water would connect to new buildings that would be added to the area. The plans also include a pool area.
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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Beijing, CN
My Role: Project Manager
Additional Credits: SWA