SAV Architecture Design

SAV Architecture Design

London, GB | Panjim, IN | Mumbai, IN



TextFields is a collaborative design research project investigating the boundaries of the spatial and text worlds. The design research explores the possible forces that text can generate within a spatial and formal context recognising the potential for unfamiliar terrains and hybrid qualities by the emergence of a field of textual geometry.

The installation investigates the dialectical relationship between the centre and circumference, where the text of the corridor and the corridor suspend themselves into a shifted, ruptured and dislocated but an immersive environment. Initially generated as a three-dimensional virtual field, Textfields, consists of a total of 358 elements that will be constructed by means of custom design, digital scripting and lasercut materials. Each of the individual components contains information of its original text map, the forces that affected its position, and its serial location within the entire field.

The installation was collaboration with Jerome Rigaud and Rajat Sodhi as a part of our multi-disciplinary investigation and research.

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Status: Built
Location: London, GB
Firm Role: Designers
Additional Credits: Jerome Rigaud, Rajat Sodhi