The Kindergarten is a place where the children learn and play at the same time. It would be wise to look at a toy for inspiration and in this case, the assemblage of a dado's cube. Using the assembly of a continuous similar geometric assemblage of the dado and the geometric triangular pattern of the fibonacci rose, the creation of a module for the kindergarten is formed. Color was put to play as a way to bring about the playfulness of the child.
Triangles form the geometry of the pathways, spaces, and circulation. Space sized are formed from the pattern of the Fibonacci Rose and eventually the triangle becomes the center point where all the features of the module takes places upon. The module is not only formed from triangles but transition away in triangular forms. Once it forms the spaces inside, it would slowly generate the exterior of the kindergarten. The cladding became a pattern made from triangles, the windows, doors, and so on. The triangular roofs create a sort of mountainous region as it goes down upon the sloped hill.
Status: School Project