Ricardo Coutinho

Ricardo Coutinho

Braga, PT

Aerial view - front
Aerial view - front
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Shooting Range Model

A consoulting work made in June 2008, under request of the Portuguese Firearms Safety Foundation. It consisted on defining a shooting range model able to reconcile two of the customers main intentions: apply the highest security standards (as defined by the USA's NRA manuals) and, at the same time, having a contemporary design and confort, closer to a sports pavillions, avoiding the vernaculous models usually applied by the army and police forces.
The customer requested a building designed to be functional and safe, with a language that deminishes the negative weight associated to firearms and highlights it's sports dimention, revealing the high standads defended by this foundation and it's members.
On the outside, besides the restrictions imposed by the technical conditions of shooting practice and the safety measures for 100m shooting ranges, there were selected natural materials (for coated walls) and neutral colors (for painted walls), in order do reduce the weight that such a building would have on a countryside landscape (where those shooting ranges would be built).
The main facade was composed over the sinthesis of a shotgun, as an iconic relation to the buildings destined usage and, both interior and exterior, were designed with  more aesthetic concerns than those usually applied to this kind of buildings, in order to be the model for international competitions and increase the attractiveness of shooting as a sport.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Penamocor
My Role: Concept, design, modeling and rendering

aerial view - back
aerial view - back
Aproaching view
Aproaching view
Entrance view
Entrance view
Main hall
Main hall
Practice pavillion
Practice pavillion