Pulp Studio

Pulp Studio

Gardena, CA


Eye of the Beholder: Pulp Studio Contributes Glass to Hurricane Maria Memorial

The Hurricane Maria Memorial features an ascending glass spiral, meant to echo a hurricane and a shell, which is a symbol of protection against the elements. The glass in this memorial uses Pulp’s D2G process for ceramic application, and then is bent, tempered and laminated. The memorial reflects and refracts multi-hued beams of sunlight and is crowned by the star of the Puerto Rican flag, emblematic of hope rising from devastation. The glass panels are painted by Antonio Martorell and include the poem, “Farewell from Welfare Island,” by Julia de Burgos, a Puerto Rican poet.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Pulp Studio provided glass curves and panels for the Hurricane Maria Memorial
Additional Credits: Architect: Segundo Cardona
Artist: Antonio Martorell
Poet: Julia de Burgos
Photographer: Kevin P. Coughlin/State of New York