MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability

MARIO ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ ZAMORA, Planning, Design & Susutentability

Guanajuato, MX

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Costa Rica, February 27th 2012

Yes, I´m a leadership to develop scientific capabilities for Sustainable Systems and I´ve an influence strategic direction and culture inside settlements and I´d like be part of ARCHINECT. You could see my web site:

I am required to comply with the obligation to present to this research on the invitation of work with the "Philosophy of Sustainable Systems on Design for Environment and Ecology, LEED Research and Development. The issue that I intend to develop respect for a challenge of building Sustainable Systems, an aspect that must be re-examined to sustainable technologies and building on urban and rural ecosystems.

My purpose is to share experiences on the evolution of technology has been linked with the environment, the challenge of life and professional insights to ecology and the environment. First I would like to discuss with you the reasons that led me to the choice of this theme with the permission of LEED that will realize the Symbiosis Research on the Sustainable Systems and to develop and maintain relevant, premium quality science and technology capabilities.

The first of deep interest to bring a development that need of cities, by the way they are constructed, used, and have lived through the years in homes, buildings and streets of our city. Today I have knowledge in these cities, there is a mismatch unsustainable real estate, as in all cities are cities of diverse creations in the field of construction and urban development, little has been achieved from the root to live projects, projects under an international future certified.

The second relates to my concerns that recognize and assimilate the construction of life of the city. I have researched on the environment, Construction Challenge of Life through Sustainable philosophy with which many architectural works are performed without a standard that meets the LEED certification promising. A side from any and meritorious contributions of the professional, these works are resolved with immediate problems of authenticity to housing, living, work, transportation etc., but could have better adaptability to the environment, the performance of enclosure air, water, energy, materials, fairness and beauty.

The commitment to address some considerations about the impact of the process of economic development and social construction and Energy and its effects on the eco-bio-climatic design in a space built to be met with our ecosystem.

Indeed, one can say that the building bioclimatic decisively involved in the conditioning for any room space can be inhabited by man. Involved in shaping and understanding the built environment, which has greater impact on the lives, welfare and the sensitivity of the man himself.  To this end, issues of sustainability and human aspects can be addressed in terms of proportion, rhythm and scale; qualities that transform inert matter and the geographical extent of the ecological ecosystem become assimilated to the spirit and malleable to the will of spirit in the construction of our cities.

The challenge of life becomes defined by the principles of eco-design and activities that stimulate the climatic comfort.

I spoke of the ecosystem, a bioregion, a definable connected by nature with a geographical, regional, hydrological and ecological communities of life catchable supported by man rather than the ecosystem can be variously ecological transformation defined by watersheds, plants and ecosystems that make life possible forms related to geomorphologic and the only identifiable human culture that grows from natural limits and potential in the bioregion, a place with everything from green living, with requirements for human habitation. It is important to define the bioregion to emerge as the most logical and reasonable stopping place for the community regeneration, to take place within the roots of the territorial space without interruption and damage the habitat.

It is clear that in large spaces and building works are in practice accessible to relatively small groups, since the layers of the population only have the opportunity to approach them with a low frequency to resolve the technical and basic productive and not certifiable. These limitations have been present at all times, for the simple reason that most of the inhabitants of any town and only in rare and significant occasion came to certain populations to be met by building products that has served to raise the quality of life, but it is imperative to change their paradigm to promote development.

The Living Building Challenge on Sustainable Systems is a cohesive policy that integrates the most progressive and innovative thinking from the world of architecture, engineering, planning, landscape design and politics. So far I have tried not to abuse the concept of sustainability, use to maintain an ethical process of this philosophy and environmental science to the challenge that we intend to disclose and Construction concerning the Challenge of Life, through establish its Sustainable Philosophy with built environment, achieving less than ideal to use in research and applicable certified to manage our buildings and facilities and dispose of it to a healthy life, a reduction of clean energy and act to bridge the gap between the limits of transformation habitat within the ideal solutions to the real. Today it is impossible to refer to the design without a "philosophy of sustainable development" that involve new patterns of development and is discussed on ecological sustainability, economic, social and physical, without conceiving the differences between these notions of planning, without a reflection on the performance of the methodological principles are evaluated development programs may not be entirely accurate medium to long term but the approval should be understood the phenomenon in the scientific community to action man recipient of what is occurring, is to improve habitat to environmental harmony.

I must adopt this philosophy and science to maintain a permanent model methodical, to carry its objectives, which fall to the environmental crisis and cushion technology development and achieve resource conservation, mainly due to the rational use of fossil fuels on climate change will have enormous repercussions for humanity and other life on Earth as we know that interact within nature.

We would be important to define our position on projects to be involved in this philosophy of "Challenge of Life and Building Systems Ecology and Environment" that takes into account climate and environmental conditions in the building to help achieve wellness through Echo-design with a well designed project that seeks the reduction of elements of clean energy, we can say that most of these phenomena of organic architecture traditional bioclimatic work from the past principles, at the time that the potential for climate were artificially scarce and expensive.

Today, it takes back control these processes and an efficient use of materials and energy for urban and rural areas, where they have been shaped certified regulations for the evaluation of environmental buildings in pursuit of these objectives. In reality cannot be understood without a sustainable interaction between the economic, environmental and social ability to handle a better view on the development of each project has a special relevance is the participation of a professional group, to ensure the success of the sustainable philosophy.

It is raised, then a challenge to build solidarity and sustainable life: to make an attitude and vital to the living reality in the transformation of our cities and homes, which until now had remained in the area of interest in fields Building restricted to local regulations. Thus, the discipline that share members of this office may consolidate the leading position to further contribute to the provision of support in the immediate future, the evolution and revitalization of the physical framework geographical within criteria that runs on personal life, Community and institutional for all inhabitants who share this mission with live projects that respond to global development of the countries.

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Status: Competition Entry