Yosuke Kawai

Yosuke Kawai

New York, NY, US



To lead us through the 21st century, new programmatic approaches are necessary to push the envelope that challenges existing typology, function, and technology. AUTO PARK begins to tests these ideas. It takes the subliminal moments of touring a zoo and creates new opportunities to observe and engage animals in new ways – above, below and all around visitors.

We bring visitor experiences to the forefront of our design, which is challenged when vertically reorganized. It is critical to provide means to handle the frequency of visitors while still maintaining individual freedom to move about the zoo exhibits as they choose. Inspired by robotic parking systems, a space frame structure serves as the rails for the pods to carry visitors vertically as well as laterally from one (un)loading area to another.

Situated on a site where no other buildings could ever encroach, monumentally, AUTO PARK becomes the iconic building in the Buenos Aires skyline as well as for its citizens looking out toward the reserve. Depicting two contrasting faces, the tectonic steel grid set upon the vast sky and ocean compared to the single ‘zig-zag’ line against the straight line of the city, clearly identifies the buildings existence and life which the building possesses.
Cladded with wooden louvers, the zoo respects its presence as part of the ecological reserve. Functionally, the louvers not only works as a sunscreen but also controls view visibility for both animal and people.

AUTO PARK creates new opportunities by challenging the traditional zoo program and expanding upon its critical elements that defines user experiences.

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Status: Competition Entry
My Role: Designer