Robert Mechielsen

Robert Mechielsen

Topanga Beach, CA, US

Hi'ilani EcoHouse
Hi'ilani EcoHouse
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Hi'ilani EcoHouse

Built close to Hawaii’s active volcano, the Hi’ilani EcoHouse is a testimony of the SCIP building systems strength. This innovative concrete structure not only takes the ongoing trembles with ease, it also produces its power and water.

Robert Mechielsen of Studio RMA is taking SCIP design (Structural Concrete Insulated Panels) to a new level. The giant butterfly winged roofs of the home provide all the cooling, water and electricity, and plenty of it, as the house features offices, a music recording facility, a media room and a spa.
‘Carbon-Neutral Living is possible’, says Mechielsen, ‘And not just in a Straw Hut’.

Even the CO2 emission necessary to create the building is accounted for.  After 30 years growth, the 3 acre on-site re-forestation will start to sequester more CO2 as it took to build the project. The Owners are giving a gift to the future, not a bill.

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Status: Built
Location: Hamakua Coast, HawaiiI

Hi'ilani Ecohouse
Hi'ilani Ecohouse
Robert Mechielsen
Robert Mechielsen