Fadi Castronovo

Fadi Castronovo

New York, NY, US

Grotteportella Fashion District
Grotteportella Fashion District

Master Thesis: Application of Integrated Design in Architectural Environments

Several methods of designing are currently utilized in the building business. The most common is the traditional method of designing, which revolves around the role of the architect as the main designer.  The other mainstream method is the integrated design method, which is based on the interaction of the different professions.  According to several professionals, the integrated design method is the most efficient way of developing a sustainable building. The Civil Engineering department at the Technical University of Denmark, has developed a process in order to maximize the integrated design process the potential for sustainability.  What the design engineer attempted with the following thesis, was to modify the method proposed by the DTU, in order to develop a method which would ease the transition from a traditional to an integrated design method.  In proposing a new method, the design engineer applied the DTU’s method at the Andreotti Architects studio in Italy over a period of 5 months.  From this experience the Grotteportella Fashion District building was developed, and the design engineer also developed a method for the transition from a traditional design method.  This method is largely based on DTU’s method, and it focuses on the preparation that an architecture studio must have in order to tackle a project in an integrated design approach. In the pdf the main Thesis can be found, for appendix and architectural drawings please email me.

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Status: School Project
Location: Frascati, RM