Sophia Lennon

Sophia Lennon

Brooklyn, NY, US



I have been exposed to building construction, architecture, and interior design for most of my life and undoubtedly this has influenced my aesthetics. Interior Design is a natural choice for me. I love the thrill of solving a problem in maths and everyday life. My design work is concerned with the creation of the internal spaces in which we live, work and play. It involves looking closely at the interface between buildings and the people who use them. Space planning and relationships of internal spaces to external architecture. 

In my work I signify what I experience and see in the built and natural environment. I am interested in the objects, fashions, forms and structures that we navigate daily. Those of the home, shopping complex and the street outside, where our interactions with interior design and architecture are personal. I start with a familiar object then through sketching and experimenting with models I may change its scale, material and context which lead to varying levels of abstraction. My three-dimensional designs explore the elements of our modern world broken down to their most basic terms – shape, color, and texture.

Examples of my work include road and street markings through a museum which lead us along a route. The overlapping lines create a field of movement, which continue through the museum as light lines in the floors, ceilings and furniture leading us along a path. An apartment in the Dublin docklands, where the geometric shapes and visual illusions of the buildings and landscapes lead to me taking inspiration from fashion designer Gareth Pugh straight onto the design of the floorplan of the living space.

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Status: School Project
Location: Ireland