Kathryn Kuisle

Kathryn Kuisle

Minneapolis, MN, US

A shed of an urban farm
A shed of an urban farm
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V A C A N C Y A N D I M A G I N E D O C C U P A N C Y: a graduate thesis investigating urban decay and revitalization efforts

If the city of Detroit enacted a cycle in the stages of planning and land division between urban and rural designation, the city could possibly avoid the downhill trend of blight that currently follows the raze of a home in a neighborhood. Preserving intention in the land, throughout the process of what we call urban decay,  planners may combat the negative perception of vacancy. In a purposeful cyle,  a neighborhood block will always have value in the city.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Detroit, MI, US

A residence built upon the structure of the shed
A residence built upon the structure of the shed
(top) A map constructed to illustrate the despairity of blight in Detroit (bottom)An Aerial View of the residential area near downtown implementing a residential-rural cycle
(top) A map constructed to illustrate the despairity of blight in Detroit (bottom)An Aerial View of the residential area near downtown implementing a residential-rural cycle