She G

She G

College Station, TX, US


Visitors' Center

This is a visitors ’ center for pointe du hoc, the site of D-DAY World War II. Visitors come in
thousands eac h year to the site of first attack of the Allies. The site has been preserved over the
years with all its craters and war structures. The chalenge was to preserve the site with minimal
intrusion. The basic concept was to tel the stor y of war along with intermediary views of the site
such that the visitors can relate to it. Layers of information unfold as the visitor gets partial views
of the site from diferent angles, and finaly he is led to the site through the building to experience
the site completely.

The basic concept was to tell the stories of the war and the soldiers involved in the attack to
the visitors . To reinforce the experience, partial vistas have been provided through alternating glass
panels so that visitors can relate the information to the act ual site. It is a path of transition
thro ugh the building which starts from the scale of the war in general and ends on the scale of
individual soldiers. Transitional spaces like the media hal prepare the visitor for he next space in
this narrative journey. An observation deck on top of the building gives the opportunity to the
visitor to have a complete view of the site fro m an elevate d point, so as to beter comprehend the
scale of war and sacrifice by the soldiers. Finaly the visitor is led out of the building to the site
through a tunnel.


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Status: School Project
Location: Normandy, France