Allyson Chavez

Allyson Chavez

Mansfield, TX, US


The Colony


Welcome to The Colony, a venture capitalist firm that reflects
and parallels connections and networks that are found in the
beehive. COVID19 has encouraged individuals to reassess the
relationship with work, and employees are no longer
considered just “worker bees.” Modeling a workforce on bees
leads to burnout, stress, and a work/life balance where the
scale is tipped in favor of work, but now with new work modes
emerging that seek to promote creative, relaxing, and more
energetic environments, there is an “anti office” that contrasts
conventional spaces favored in the past. This design seeks to
acknowledge the old analogy while providing new spaces
that meet cognitive, collaborative, and physical needs while
promoting working together toward a common goal.

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Status: School Project
Location: Ft. Worth, Texas