Maria del Carmen Copacati Orocollo

Maria del Carmen Copacati Orocollo

Salt Lake City, UT, US


"Crafting Identity", Community Cultural Center

Final Studio Project (Thesis) / Master Program - 2024

In recent years, technology in construction has generated ostentatious and luxurious buildings, which attract attention and beautify the most important cities in the world, consequently, this has generated patterns and trends that many countries are following to "modernize.", which has caused that many small cities with high historical value to lose their cultural identity.
A community cultural center in Moquegua, Peru, is the invitation to produce, disseminate, and learn about the cultural heritage of Moquegua to preserve this city with its traditions but with modernity according to its cultural context.
The project is designed under an orthogonal geometry with platforms at different levels, which will be connected by ramps and stairs that will lead to the different educational, cultural, commercial, and recreational spaces that will be located hierarchically according to the levels of the buildings. platforms. The materials will follow the city’s vernacular architecture, mud brick, wood, and bamboo but with improved construction techniques. 
In conclusion, this project will be a center that will reflect cultural heritage from the composition of its construction to its function as a project, will be a place where the old generations will be able to teach the traditions to the new generations, and the foreign public to disseminate and maintain the city's own cultural identity.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lima, PE