Bailey Shurtleff

Bailey Shurtleff

Columbus, OH, US


Virtual Visions (VR Store)

E-commerce is a rapidly growing market and the COVID-19 pandemic pushed many shoppers to buy online but many people still prefer the in person shopping experience. Additionally, many brick and mortar stores have trou­ble generating enough foot traffic to pay rent. Through designing and programming an Oculus VR headset, my partner and I developed a virtu­al furniture store. Our idea is for retailers to create a VR version of their store so they can keep their brand image and enhance the shopping experience. Customers will be able to experience products as if they were in the store, enable customers to change materials, size, and styles of objects in the digital store for a personalized experience that can­not be found in a typical setting. Because of this personalization, customers do not have to imagine, but can directly see how variations of a product will look. The VR application also allows the customer to connect with other users as if they were shopping with a friend or asking an employee for assistance. Shopping will be enhanced with this VR experience to increase brand interest and sales. 

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Status: School Project
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Jared Robbins (CSE student)

Screen recording of VR headset in virtual store.