Matthew Lin

Matthew Lin

San Jose, CA, US


Hazelwood Charter School

The Hazelwood Charter School is a theoretical charter school for middle school students ranging from 6th grade to 8th grade.  What does a middle school student look forward to seeing when he goes to school?  Not only should a student be eager to learn from his teachers, but he should be excited to see his friends once again.  This design scheme focuses on creating spaces to satisfy both of those functions, often combining the two to allow the students to learn in socially comfortable environments.   

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Status: School Project
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, US
Additional Credits: Jeff Davis

What does a middle school student look forward to seeing when he goes to school? Not only should a student be eager to learn from his teachers, but he should be excited to see his friends once again. This design scheme focuses on creating spaces to satisfy both of those functions, often combining the two to allow the students to learn in socially comfortable environments.
What does a middle school student look forward to seeing when he goes to school? Not only should a student be eager to learn from his teachers, but he should be excited to see his friends once again. This design scheme focuses on creating spaces to satisfy both of those functions, often combining the two to allow the students to learn in socially comfortable environments.
The models experiment with smaller pieces of program revolving about an open space in the middle.
The models experiment with smaller pieces of program revolving about an open space in the middle.
The window walls are a double-pane system, with the center mullion eight feet above the floor so as to not obstruct a person's view to the street below.
The window walls are a double-pane system, with the center mullion eight feet above the floor so as to not obstruct a person's view to the street below.