Maria Grishina

Maria Grishina

Kazan, RU


The project is the concept of a modern Park

In the course of work focus on the following aspects

1. The information content and technology. In today's World great importance has the time and information. Therefore, the design solution offers various types of information displays (time, weather, news, and current information on events in the area of sports activities). The installation place information boards are proposed in the main entrance area and the Central alley of the Park.

2. New - well forgotten old. Now, interest is growing in old, almost forgotten games. One of these games was a game called “Towns”. However, this game requires specially equipped areas. Such sites is quite rarely created though the interest is there.
Again, the creation of such city sites proposed in the area of recreational sports.
Other than sports fields are encouraged to organize the tracks to train athletes passing through the most scenic parts of the Park.

3."Children - flowers of life" Children and teenagers are the most traumatized group of Park visitors. So they paid special attention in terms of security. Modern children and youth are very mobile and resourceful in organizing their own vacation. The project provided the construction of a spacious solar fields-lawns with minimal filling equipment and maximum styling all elements of the architecture and equipment under the elements of the natural landscape.

4. More landscape solutions. There is supposed to implement more of the ideas of the owner to showcase the private collection of the most attractive plants collected by the owner around the World. Planning organization of the territory presents the exposure pathways and sites for placement of floral arrangements, as well as a collector of trees and shrubs. Spatial organization of the territory will be formed at the discretion of the owner.

5. Living water. Another equally attractive element for visitors to the Park is the pond. Ocean, sea. river, stream, lake, pond always have a positive impact on the human condition and present opportunities for a range of types of water activities (summer) and ice (in winter). The project features three water features operated by a pond, stream, ornamental pond (with fish).

6. The secret passage. The grotto, caves, underground passages always gave the mystique place. Therefore, these elements are very attractive for any visitor to the Park. The project proposes the installation of artificial grotto in the southern part of the Park. The topography and the proximity to the walking areas in the ravine allows you to create another exit from the Park in the nearby promenade area. In the future, you can create a network of artificial underground labyrinths, caves and tunnels.

7. Sylvia Park. The semantics of this section refers to the romantic landscape parks. Used in the sense of a shady forest inhabited by spirits. Sylvia Park exists in darcomarco ensemble of Gatchina, where he was created by analogy the forest part of the ensemble of Chantilly. Latin Sylvia means - forest. This Park is characteristic of a shaded walkway, sculpture, grottoes, and not a large presence chamber field of green.

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Status: Built
Location: Kazan, RU
My Role: architecte