bahar abedi

bahar abedi

sherman oaks



Study of Translation of “AIR” by Bach as Architectural Spaces with a focus on Light and shadow

The foundation of all arts have the same language and many of ways to connect them together. Architecture and music want to acknowledge something. Whether it is good or bad, small or big, or even all together, it is up to the decision of the Artist to show how.

Rhythm, sequence, order, hierarchy, form, proportion and scale are some of the words that architecture and music share.

A time signature is a notational convention that specifies how many beats (pulses) are to be contained in each bar and which note value is to be given one beat. As a time symbol, the time signature appears at the beginning of the piece in a musical score. The time signature of Air is 4/4.

In this architectural interpretation, there are 3 walking steps in a quarter note, 6 walking steps in a half note, and 1.5 steps in an eighth note. There 57” and a joint every three steps.

The design is based on the feeling, emotion and logic of the dimension of each beat. For instance, all the pavilions are located in one place but they are not connected to one another; however, they are at the same time plural.

Each phrase of Air becomes a different element in architectural spaces.

Light is another factor that enhances the experience; it creates an environmental rapport with the music.

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Status: School Project
Location: Woodbury University
My Role: Study of translation of "Air" by bach as architectural spaces