Hi everyone.
I'm just trying to figure it out how and what to do with my life. Restarting in the architectural world after two blank years (well, that is not exactly true. Most of the time I was with the Final Degree Project)
Really excited about this new chapter of my life I am just up to begin.
Vector Connect, Kitchener, ON, CA, Sales Representative
Improving communication skills and sale ways. Relation to customers.
Ana Gascon/ Self employed, Zaragoza, ES, Interior Design Architect
Develop of new image for a jewellery and complements shop. Creation of a spaces were customers could stay, read magazines and have a coffee.
Gasmar Asesores y Consultores, Zaragoza, ES, Manager Sales Assistant
Control of Product Sales and Purchases, monitoring of articles and creation of sales offers. Developing of new sales ways.
Gasmar Asesores y Consultores, Zaragoza, ES, Marketing designer
Relation to customers and creation of advertisement campaigns. Creation of marketing creativity, Photoshop images and control of web sites analysis. New ways of advertisement (2.0), creation of basic websites and developing of marketing plans.
Ioia Brullet Architect, Barcelona, ES, Architectural Trainee
Redrawing of plans. Own initiative to some aesthetic aspects of projects. Main tasks realized: creation of architectural plans, 3D modelling and image creation.
Ivemac Architects, Barcelona, ES, Architectural Trainee
Redrawing of plans, architectural and structures detail plans, in-situ measurements. Develop of basic and executive projects. Gained experience in legacy and law.
Brufau Obiols & Moya Arquitectes Associats, Barcelona, ES, Structural Architect Trainee
Structure plans drawing, structure calculation and drawing of structure details.
Grucontec, Zaragoza, ES, Internship
Urban planning assistant
Drawing of architectural plans, study of topographic maps and study and comprehension of BOA (Aragon Oficial Bulletin)
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), Barcelona, ES, PhD, Architecture
Presencial lectures and seminars, focusing on: Projects, Construction, Structures, Urbanism, Hand and Computer Drawing, Technical Installations and Law & Spanish Jurisdiction.
Architecture Graduation Project.. Developing of an Arts and Scenery University School in Zaragoza (Spain). Developing of images, construction details and study of the impact on the neighbourhood.
London Metropolitan University, London, GB, Bachelors, Architecture
Postgraduate in Architecture
Presencial lectures and seminars, focusing on: Projects, History, Concepts of Space and Construction.