Bundy, Young, Sims & Potter Architects, Inc., Intern Architect
Tasks expected of me included drawing construction documents, creating schematic computer models, generating marketing materials, preparing proposals, corresponding with developers and contractors, and playing an active role in client meetings throughout the design process. I was responsible for managing projects independently and enhancing project presentation quality through the integration of architectural BIM graphics and renderings of custom residential, religious, K-12 school, collegiate, healthcare and mid-sized commercial ventures across north Texas.
Michael E. Koen, Inc., Intern Architect
Responsibilities included drawing up construction documents, schematics, and assisting in the design development of residential and small commercial projects
Texas A&M University, MArch, Architecture
Earned additional Sustainable Urbanism Certificate
Honors Graduate. Texas A&M University, Cum Laude, Award
Texas A&M University LEED Platinum Green Marketplace Competition
First Place Team, 1st Place
Honors Graduate, University of Nebraska-Licoln, Award
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Scholarship Award Recipient, Award
Maintain 3.5+ GPA
Mele Koneya Memorial Fund Scholarship Recipient, Scholarship
Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society – Black Masque Chapter, Uiveristy of Nebraska-Lincoln, Scholarship
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Scholarship Award Recipient, Award
Maintain 3.5+ GPA
Gamma Phi Beta Tuition Scholarship Recipient, Scholarship
Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Award, College of Architecture, Award
National Hispanic Scholar Finalist – UNL Scholarship Recipient, Scholarship