I am a American/Chilean/Argentinean designer with a passion for sustainability and urban revitalization, particularly in housing and transit. I read voraciously and enjoy just about every sport I have done. I like to volunteer my time to charities and conventions running sessions of tabletop rpgs, both in-person and online.
Miche Booz Architect, Brookeville, MD, US, Junior Designer
Worked on historic restoration and rehabilitation of residential and commercial scale. Restored original porch, widow’s walk, and other facade elements of 1903 Queen Anne Revival home. Guided Kramer Farm Guest House project through navigating historic zoning process. Rehabilitation of Calvary Lutheran Church, among others.
Tasked with schematic design, design development, and construction documentation, as well as coordinating with clients, contractors, and permitting officials.
Gubbins Arquitectos Consultores, Santiago, Chile, Intern
Provided design and modeling assistance to principal architect in AutoCAD and SketchUp. Tasked with documentation approval and permitting with the city of Valparaiso, Chile as well as designing, writing, and translating public facing publications and presentations
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, GA, US, MArch, College of Design, School of Architecture
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, US, BArch, School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
Mongomery County Award for Historic Preservation, Award
Awarded for the restoration of historic residence & compatible new construction.