Ricardo Rebolledo

Ricardo Rebolledo

Caracas, VE

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Licensed architect at Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, Venezuela (1996). Coursed a MsC studies in Urban Design at UNIMET, (2004). Associate professor at  Simón Bolívar University, in Caracas, Venezuela.  Founder and Director of RRA Arquitectura (2009), an office dedicated to the development of Architectural projects as well as Urban and Interior designs around the globe, construction managment and projects supervision. 

As part of professional challenges, I have participated  in a variety of Architectural and Design competitions obtaining the following awards:

2019 Honorable Mention at  Arcbazar´s  in Berg / Starnberg, Bayern, Alemania House Competition

2018 Second place at  Arcbazar´s 569 Michael Drive, Sonoma Competition.

2017 Honorable Mention at Convocatoria de Proyectos Participativos en el Espacio Público de Caracas (Sector Montaña), Caracas Venezuela

2012. First place in the Competition for the Impact Hub office in Caracas. Altamira, Caracas, Venezuela. Open competition, Caracas, Venezuela 
2010. Honorable Mention in the Competition for the “Complejo Internacional de Acción  Social por la Música  Simón Bolívar”. (Simón Bolívar Complex for Social Action through Music). Open competition for a Cultural Center, Caracas, Venezuela. 
2003 – Honorable Mention in the 2nd Edition Busan International Architectural Competition BIARC Master Plan Gwangalli Beach, Busan City, Korea,  
2001. Honorable Mention at the “Concurso Internacional de Ideas” (International Ideas Competition). Rehabilitation of the “Malecón de Maracaibo” (Maracaibo’s Pier), State of Zulia, Venezuela. (Collaborating architect)

In 2014, the  project Impact Hub Caracas, developed in society with Arch. Odart Graterol, was selected  to participate on the IX Architectural Biennal in El Rosario Argentina (BIAU). and was part of the architectural exhibition of the International Seminar of Architecture (IAC) on february of the same year, who tooked place in Maracaibo city, Venezuela. This project was also published and refered on different architectural books and design magazines listed below:

International Magazine for Space Design BOB N° 121, Aug 2014, South Korea

Spaces for Innovation: The Design and Science of Inspiring Environments.
Frame Publisher (Netherlands) , Sep 2016

Big Design for a Small Workplaces. Images Publishing (Australia), Aug 2016

"In Good Company", Architizer Digital Magazine of Architecture and Design. Dec 2014

Advanced expertise on  Redering technology, using AutoCAD and 3d  Max with Vray  and good proficient in Photoshop suite


RRA Arquitectura, Caracas, Director

Sep 2009 - current


Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, VE, BArch, Architect

Jan 1988 - Jan 1996


Modern Family Villa with Alpine Views in Germany, Honorable Mention

International competition to design a private residence in Berg / Starnberg, Bayern, Alemania


569 Michael Drive Residence, Sonoma, USA, 2nd Place

International competition to design a private residence in Sonoma, California, USA


CcsCity450 - Sector Montaña, Honorable Mention

Open competition to improve urban spaces in Caracas, Venezuela


Concurso para las Oficinas del Impact Hub Caracas, 1st Place

Open competition to Design a Co work space office in Caracas, venezuela


Concurso de anteproyecto para el Complejo Internacional de Acción Social por la Música Simón Bolívar, Honorable Mention

International Competition to design a 36000 sqm Cultural Complex in Caracas, Venezuela


Edition Busan International Architectural Competition BIARC, Honorable Mention

Master Plan for Gwangalli Beach, Busan City, Korea


Rehabilitación en el Malecón de Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia., Honorable Mention

Open competition to rehabilitate Maracaibo´s pier in Maracaibo city, Venezuela.


Areas of Specialization 
