

Mexico, MX


Restaurant Fogonazo Polanco

The restaurant it's located at the most profitable places on Mexico's City; Polanco.
Starting from the needs of the client, we remodel a 50´s years house turning the ground floor into a commercial local meant for food.

The main idea was to leave the main facade of the existing Housing intact; without affecting the environment and especially the urban image of the avenue. From this idea a translucent ironwork and glass facade was created, harmonizing a serie of vertical trails perpendicular to walker's traffic.

The interior was designed using materials and neutral colors where the contrast of white and black of them will play a more important role interacting with the outside light.

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Status: Built
Location: Mexico, MX
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Architectonic Design - Pasquinel Studio ( Arq. Crimson Pasquinel )
Interior Design- Pasquinel Studio ( Arq. Crimson Pasquinel )
Project year - 2014
Built - 2014
Location - Polanco; México D.F.
Intallations - Ermacaba, Pctelecom, Planica audiovideo, Rodaw, Gumagas, Cocinas Omega.
Structural Project - Cotsa
Construction - Pasquinel Studio
Colaborators - Arq. Victoriano Hernández
Photo - Arq. Paul Czitrom