Oceano Scenography

Oceano Scenography Diversity Badge

Black, Female, Latinx owned

Brasília, BR



More than a greeting, “Aloha” is a state of mind. The architecture communicates the essence of the space. In the minimal details, with the Hula and the Tikis, for example, the visitor’s subconscious is flooded with Hawaiian  references. Additionally, this project faces the challenge of bringing the symbology of a beach to the countryside city of Brasília, implementing several scenographic elements to contribute in the client’s experience. 

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Status: Built
Location: Brasília, BR
Firm Role: Oceano was pleased to contribute with a striking and innovative presence. Our architectural team created an immersive experience that transported visitors to a vibrant and authentic Hawaiian atmosphere, perfectly complementing the festival theme.

top view of the festival
top view of the festival
main stage
main stage
entrance plan
entrance plan
general plan
general plan
Na Praia Festival 2022 - Aloha Hawaii