Oceano Scenography

Oceano Scenography Diversity Badge

Black, Female, Latinx owned

Brasília, BR

inside the Market
inside the Market
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The Mané Market started as a proposal to be a big meeting point for the city, full of mixture and brazilianities. Nothing more brazilian than watching the World Cup among friends while cheering and vibrating for our team. 

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Status: Demolished
Location: Brasília, BR
Firm Role: At the exciting temporary World Cup event held at Mané Mercado, Oceano had the privilege of designing and implementing an architectural experience that captured the energy and passion of football. Our work focused on creating a dynamic and engaging enviro
Additional Credits: Highlights of Our Contribution:Thematic and Festive Design
- Living and Interaction Areas
- Infrastructure and Logistics
- Sustainability and Responsibility

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themed decorations
themed decorations