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Undisciplining the discipline: Beatrice Galilee @ SCI-Arc

Beatrice Galilee, the architecture curator at the Met, gave a talk on Monday at SCI-Arc. Credit: Nicholas Korody Galilee began her talk by congratulating Assemble for winning the Turner Prize. Credit: Nicholas Korody 'Digital Artefacts,' Bart Hess, from the exhibition Future Perfect at the Lisbon Triennial. Credit: Catarina Botelho 'And Nowhere a Shadow,' from the exhibition Future Perfect, part of the Lisbon Triennial. Credit: Cohen Van Balen A dinner held at the Gopher Hole. via Facebook / the Gopher Hole 'Landgrab' a project at the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Biennial. Credit: Slab Architects

Galilee began her talk by congratulating Assemble for winning the Turner Prize. Credit: Nicholas Korody

Galilee began her talk by congratulating Assemble for winning the Turner Prize. Credit: Nicholas Korody