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Proposal for the future of Auschwitz-Birkenau

IDEA Office, perimeter stacks (the Tel Olam is subject to the entropic processes of nature over time), 2013, Los Angeles. Courtesy of IDEA Office. Gallery of the Missing at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Image via flickr user dsa66503. Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, via flickr user Márcio Cabral de Moura.  IDEA Office, The March of the Living (an annual event at Auschwitz, which would be transformed to a perambulation around the perimeter of the Tel Olam), 2013, Los Angeles. Courtesy of IDEA Office. Birkenau fence and ruins, via flickr/Paul Arps.

Gallery of the Missing at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Image via flickr user dsa66503.

Gallery of the Missing at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Image via flickr user dsa66503.