Michael Schaefer

Michael Schaefer

San Jose, CA, US


Villa Montgomery

5 story 58 unit urban infill, LEED Gold certification, type 5 construction

Villa Montgomery Affordable Apartments offer 58 apartments centrally located on El Camino Real within walking distance of neighborhood retail and CalTrain. The apartment complex includes on-site laundry facilities, computer lab with free wireless internet access throughout the building, underground parking for residents, play structure for children, outdoor picnic tables, and multiple common spaces. In order to qualify to be a resident, there are minimum and maximum rent limits based on the county’s median income.

Fisher Friedman, AIA is the award-winning architectural firm responsible for the design of the development. The building includes 1,250 SF of retail space on El Camino Real. 

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Status: Built
Location: Redwood City, CA, US
My Role: Project Architect
Additional Credits: Fisher Friedman Assoc.
First Community Housing
Branagh Construction

photos: Bernard Andre