Mobile Pods - "Rethinking Retail" Strategic Design
Four portable pods that can be transported anywhere in the world and stay at one place for a temporary time. They function as small shops for open air shopping and as places for socializing, getting creative and learning new skills. While supporting local communities/artists, they sell only environmentally friendly and sustainable made products (Manzini’s Third Consumption Scenario Non-Consumption of Natural Resources), thinking of our lovely planet.
The little shops welcome you to touch, feel and check the quality of the products before deciding to purchase them (Manzini’s 1st Consumption Scenario From Consumption to Care). But there is something special that makes the little shops different. They tend to create an emotional connection between the consumer and the product, extending the life of the products. The consumers can participate on the making of the product they’ll buy, they can personalize the product, and besides that, they can also learn/take classes on how to make different products, such as: learning how to paint, knit, repair bicycles (Manzini’s 2nd Consumption Scenario Utilization of Services), as well as exchanging books.
Status: Unbuilt