Michela Barone Lumaga

Michela Barone Lumaga

New York, NY, US


Fabricando Moveis - Brazil

FABRICANDO MOVEIS is a fabrication workshop designed for Rio de Janeiro Government. Fabricando Moveis facilitates collaboration between public social outreach agencies and private contractors, promoting local job growth in slums. Rio de Janeiro is a city that builds incredibly fast. Demolition, renovation, and new construction are taking place in every street, square, and building. The margin of discarded wood, a primary and fundamental organic resource, is very high. Construction site workers build tables, chairs or benches with the same wood used for concrete formworks; these objects then become the temporary furniture of their work spaces. Fabricando Moveis, provides immediate, hands-on instruction and design classes for the indigent inhabitants of communities in close proximity to construction sites. It implements the use of recycled scrap wood to build objects for everyday life.

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Status: Built