Mikehl Hafner

Mikehl Hafner

Grosse Pointe Park, MI, US

Horiztonal Section
Horiztonal Section
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Emotive Dance Institute

Inspired by the Graham Technique of breath through movement, the class was instructed to design a dance institute. The manipulation of natural vs controlled lighting, spaces of sound, and a transition from jagged tension to fluid strokes allows the form to reveal the expression of breath through movement. The expression of breath through movement via the jagged and sharp forms of the lower levels of model loosening and becoming more fluid as one circulates from common areas into more dance specific performative spaces to mirror the tension one feels in dance. As one moves upwards towards the theatre, the circulations and programs loosens like how when the dancer moves more, their body releases into fluidity. This is also seen through the manipulation of light, which is controlled through the dichotomy of tight spaces versus large floor to ceiling windows.

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Status: School Project