Washington University in St. Louis, Clayton, MO, US, Scene Shop Employee
Set construction, understanding of light frame wood construction, ability to use power tools, enhanced problem solving, and working with a team.
ADG Architecture and Design PC., New York, NY, US, Intern
Gained valuable work experience through client meetings, site visits, structural drawing, collective design work, preparing TPAs, and coordination with the Department of Buildings. Redesigned the company website (adgpc.com).
CDZ Architecture & Design, Red Bank, NJ, US, Intern
Worked closely with lead architect and designer during site visits, client meetings, and variance hearing preparation. Extensive architectural drafting, interior design work, topographical drawing, and site mapping.
Washington University in St. Louis, Clayton, MO, US, Data Entry
Catalogued new data, foundational understanding of GIS services and applications through the use of ArcGIS software.
Cranford High School, Cranford, NJ, US, High School, High School