Landon Parker

Landon Parker

College Station, TX, US

Project Diagrams
Project Diagrams
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The Slice at East Austin

An ever growing population brings along many challenges, especially at the heart of major cities. This project explores how to revitalize an overgrown, forgotten post-industrial area, creating a habitable space that provides much needed housing in an increasingly dense urban context.

The final design features a six floor, low-rise apartment complex with mixed commercial spaces on the first floor. Based on sight and urban connection lines, the overall form of the building is divided into two cores sliced by a shared alley used for outdoor dining and neighborhood gathering, primarily inspired by the guidelines set up at the beginning of the Urban Development project earlier in the semester.

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Status: School Project
Location: Austin, TX, US

Floor Plans
Floor Plans
Project Model
Project Model
Diagrammatic Renderings
Diagrammatic Renderings
Process Work
Process Work
Urban Development Strategy
Urban Development Strategy
Urban Development Process Work
Urban Development Process Work