Panagiotis Lampronikos

Panagiotis Lampronikos

Lárisa, GR



City of Xanthe regrettably lacks  sufficient facilities for housing the large number of University students attending the engineering and architecture faculties. An attempt in creating an organized University campus, due to the lack of founding and initiatives, is still underway. Some housing buildings as well as some commons have been built but given spaces are nowhere near enough to accomodate all the students’ population. In this project, we tried to solve this problem by designing a number of cheap and easy to construct living modules as well as introducing a pattern of placing them in order to create a system that could, by repetition, adress the issue of available spaces. This system was constrained for the time being at a given space next to the existing campus facilities. 

the first step was to design the “cube”, a 30m2 - two stories box, able to hospitate one person, complete with its own bathroom and a small kitchen. By multiplying this cube along its heigh and lenght axis, organizing generated spaces and choosing the location and orientation of its openings we designed a 60m2 and a 90m2 module as well. Our primary goal was for every student to have his/hers personal space, a defined room inside each module, so as to study, relax or just to get his/her privacy wheneverer it is needed. We suggest a construction system based on a metal frame and covered with vertical wooden planks so that the modules will be easy to construct, relative cheap and fit in with the all green countryside around them.   

Dividing and organizing space inside the modules would not be possible without invisioning day to day life for the inhabitants. It’s a life of    constant motion, people get in, people get out, there’s always something up, activities, friends, love etc.Therefore, we tried to create lots and lots of different qualities of space inside each module, personal rooms for each individual, many balconies, common spaces and bathrooms. Constrained by the given site we decided to organize modules around two open plazas divided by the main route leading to the existing housing facilities nearby and with all living spaces oriented towards south. Yet this system could, by pepetition, be used to cover a larger area creating a small village-like community.

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Status: School Project
Location: Xanthe, GR
My Role: design - planning - modeling - visuallization
Additional Credits: Spiridoula Sopiadou