Kerem Masaracı is currently residing in Düsseldorf, Germany where he is part of the HPP Architekten Team. He previously has worked as an all-round architect at White Arkitekter in Gothenburg, Sweden and Mecanoo Architecten in Delft, the Netherlands. He has more than14 years of experience in the fields of public buildings, interior design and sustainability. He has been a key contributor to various international competitions.
Graduated in 2007 from the Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany he obtained professional experiences in Spain and Turkey and speaks fluently six languages.
Mecanoo Architecten, Delft, NL, Intermediate Architect
JDWA Architects, Rotterdam, NL, Architectural Trainee
ABA Art Contemporani, Palma de Mallorca, ES, Interior and Graphic Design Trainee
Leonardo da Vinci scholarship
Jorge G. Molinero Sánchez, Granada, ES, Architectural Trainee
Şevki Pekin, Istanbul, TR, Architectural Trainee
Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, DE, Architecture (Diploma)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie, Rouen, France, Rouen, FR, Erasmus scholarship