Jorge MacNair

Jorge MacNair

Morelia, MX


Mexico International Circuit (Racetrack)

One of the main reasons of the thesis, parallel to the projection of a Racetrack was to give information about the different conditions that have to be taken into account for the desing of a track, alongside to announce all the elements that should be considered to provide security for the drivers and fans. 

It was important to realize that the materialization of architectural projects with developer vision is vital to the progress of a place, city or region from a Development Country. Projects like this can generare the attraction of local and foreign investors; this is spected to create a positive impact on the economic benefit, very important in a region which needs to develop its economy.

The idea of this project came in mind due to the different factors that Mexico is involved, In a mexican citizen point of veiw, this country needs to wake up to the new era, it needs to rebuilt it self and give up the thought of living in past memories or glories such as the old Azteca Stadium from 1966, the Mexico 1968 Olympic Stadium or even worst the ancient neglected Autódromo Hermanos Rodriguez (former Formula 1 track), all of them in Mexico city; not giving the oportunity to develop diferent zones of Mexico.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lagunillas, MX
My Role: Architect designer.
Additional Credits: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.

Racetrack turns details.
Racetrack turns details.
Main grandstand
Main grandstand
Cover construction details
Cover construction details