Jiwon Heo

Jiwon Heo

New York, NY, US


Suncheon New Cityhall

Starting from Suncheon-dongcheon stream, Suncheon-ro contains space and functions as well as a walking path. Buildings are not authoritative in respect of the surrounding buildings, and the courtyards are diverse but similar, making them friendly, and the central park is spacious but cozy.

As you walk through the jungles open to citizens, you find that it is not only the beautiful nature and friendly spaces that greet them. The patterns of buildings in the past that existed on the land welcome citizens as a side that distinguishes eco-friendly flooring materials. The memories of the citizens who lived here survive as fine spatial components and create new experiences together. Although it is a new city hall to be created, it respects the nature of Suncheon, sets up open spaces for citizens, and leaves their memories and minds on top of Suncheon.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Suncheon, KR
My Role: Contribution as a Junior Designer A consortium of three architecture firms (PRAUD, OA-LAB, and Ethership) proceeded with the project. I participated in the project from the SD phase, mostly in charge of refining interior designs such as the main lobby and
Additional Credits: PRAUD