Studio Izabela Boloz

Studio Izabela Boloz

Eindhoven, NL

Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
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Geometric Garden

Geometric Garden is an artistic playground created in The Hague in The Netherlands.

The work is made up of by 22 poles from powder coated galvanized steel and consists of a raised platform and climbers. This platform can be reached by climbing up the basic elements and creates a space to play. Children can go back to the ground by sliding on bent sliding pipes. Beneath the platform is a cozy, shaded space in which children can run and hide, consisting of small square shelters. The ground plan is a circle (6 meter diameter) with connecting basic geometric shapes. The flat elements have perforated patterns, creating a game of light and shadows.

Geometric Garden was made to stir the children’s imagination, providing diverse opportunities for creative play. Part of the brief of this project was to engage the children – the main users of this public installation – as much as possible in the process from beginning to end. Children of various ages were elected to be part of the Art Committee. They gave requirements, chose concepts and proposed improvements during the design process. The result is a work that references traditional playgrounds created from steel pipes but at the same time has a contemporary appearance. The emphasis is on the natural environment, created both by the round shape of the structure as well as the shades of green. It resembles an abstract garden.

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Status: Built
Location: Den Haag, NL
Firm Role: Designer, architect

Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz
Playground Geometric Garden by Studio Izabela Boloz